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Very cool game, it feels very nice !

I have some recommendations : It would be wonderful to choose a level from the pause menu, as progress is lost when game is closed (saving ongoing game to keep its deck would be amazing as well). Score required is very low compared to the score that is possible to achieve. Maybe try an exponential progress instead of a linear one ? (20 -> 40 -> 80 -> 160 -> 320 -> 640 …). When modifying a deck, it seems always better to add new cards, as the number of cards is not limited ? Also, I would like to be able to disable screen-shaking (I’m disabling it in every game I play, makes me sick). Maybe a zoom effect following the path could underline the score made by the track better ? The tooltip effect of the card is highly valuable. Maybe making a tooltip for each tile as well could be a nice improvement ? This way, I can decide if it’s a good idea to make a replacement (or not).

Thanks for your game, and making your code public. I could have a look at one point. Cheers !


Good game a bit slow, could use something to make it a bit more interesting. required scores feel ridiculously tiny and the screen is usually shaking like crazy by the end not sure if its bugged or I am to good >.<

Thank you! I think limiting the number of tiles you can draw or shrinking down the play area would help make it more challenging as it ramps up. Definitely room for a lot of balancing.

I used a relitively small area so dont think that would help.

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the game is awesome i really love it but it always freezes when i choose cards and dont remove any at about level 4

Thank you for playing! I’ve not seen that bug yet, what version are you playing? and if you’re playing in the browser, what browser and OS?

(1 edit)

im on Chrome Browser

i tried replicating it but i couldnt 

Thank you for trying ❤️ let me know if it happens again!